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Micromechanics Research Group

Read more at: The QUALIFY project

The QUALIFY project

interreg_2seas_-_logo_erdf.jpg Enabling Qualification of Hybrid Structures for Lightweight and Safe Maritime Transport (QUALIFY) Cambridge University is a partner the QUALIFY project on certifying adhesive joints for primary maritime structures. The project is funded by the EU via the ERDF . EU...

Read more at: The MULTILAT project

The MULTILAT project

Multiphase lattice materials The integration of materials and architectural features at multiple scales into structural mechanics changed the way buildings were designed and gave us the Eiffel Tower, for example. This approach led to the development of computational design approaches used in modern...

Read more at: The SOLBAT project

The SOLBAT project

NEXT GENERATION SOLID STATE BATTERIES An all-solid-state battery would revolutionise the electric vehicles of the future. The successful implementation of an alkali metal negative electrode and the eplacement of the flammable organic liquid electrolytes, currently used in Li-ion batteries, with a...

Read more at: Tha ANAM initiative

Tha ANAM initiative

The ANAM initiative, funded by EPSRC, seeks to convert the promise offered by CNTs into commercial reality. This project directly addresses the industrial utilization of CNTs and seeks to close the gap between academic achievement and commercial return. Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) are proving one of...

Read more at: The SABIC project

The SABIC project

SABIC project: The invention of strong, energy-absorbing foams: issues of scale and morphology Cell expansion and cell wall failure during solid-state nanofoaming Polymer nanocellular foams or nanofoams are a relatively new class of polymer foams with a cell size in the order of 10 to 100 nm. As...


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